Each new arrival at EPL is given a personal library tour and instructions on how to access our journals, databases, and other library resources. Information on publishing, intellectual property, academic integrity, and research ethics at Carnegie is presented as part of each department’s annual postdoc/visitor orientation. Informal tours and “refreshers” may be requested by Carnegie personnel at any time by contacting the library staff at library@carnegiescience.edu
Books and journal articles not available in our library can usually be obtained from other research libraries via interlibrary loan. Typical delivery time ranges from a few days to two weeks, depending on the nature of the material. In urgent situations, same-day electronic delivery may be possible. Requests should be submitted to M.A. O'Donnell using the online Interlibrary Loan Request Form, the paper forms provided on the chargeout tables, or by e-mail to library@carnegiescience.edu. A maximum of 6 items per week may be requested.